When you step away from your calendar and lists of “todos” to pay attention to the cycles of the moon it allows room for magic to enter your life and increases your ability to connect with something much larger than yourself.
Below I share the energy related to each moon phase and how you can set an intention and work on making it a reality during the moon cycle.
You do not have to set an intention with each cycle. It is really powerful to simply notice each phase. It really helps you get out of your head and into the present moment.
Learn how to honor yourself and connect to the moon’s phases:
New Moon
The New Moon is when you can’t see the moon in the sky. It is always in the same astrological sign as the sun. This is considered the beginning of the lunar cycle. A good time for setting new intentions and starting new endeavors.
Take some time for yourself on the new moon (or the 3 days after) and relax. Maybe 5 minutes or 30 minutes. If you go outside, notice the air, the sky, the ground.
Ask yourself if there is an intention that you would like to set for the next month. Maybe it is a way of being, doing more or less of something, or even drawing something into your life like more love or career opportunities.
Write this intention down, speak it out if you desire, and envision it. Feel it.
Waxing Moon
The Waxing Moon is the phase after the new moon and is also called First Quarter Moon.
During this phase of the moon growing and expanding, take some time to imagine how it would feel if your intention was a reality in your life and then take inspired action on making it a reality.
The moon will be growing from the right side.
Try this yoga sequence to energize you and your intention.
Full Moon
The 3 days before and the 3 days after the full moon are a wonderful time to express gratitude for your life and
You can try sitting comfortably (outside under the full moon is possible!), focus on your breath for a while, do some shoulder rolls, then say silently or aloud:
“I release anything that is no longer serving me and I welcome all resources and guidance to bring my intention to life.”
You might enjoy gazing at the Full Moon and allowing your mind to relax. Notice if any insight comes and how you might feel lighter and happier.
Full Moons are the perfect time for rituals. This can be picking out crystals, burning candles, practicing yoga, all with the idea that you are supporting and empowering your intention.
Try this simple ritual to relax and connect to the energy of the Full Moon.
Waning Moon
The moon is getting smaller and will be lit up on the left side. Use this time to release things that are not serving you or your intention. This is also called Third Quarter Moon.
This is a great time to thank the universe for any guidance you have received. Allow yourself to receive your intention into your life. Notice how it is showing up.
It might also be nice to slow down and relax a bit more during this phase. Honor your efforts.
Try this yoga sequence to slow down and relax.
Balsamic Moon and Dark Moon
The Balsamic Moon is that last sliver before the new moon and the Dark Moon is the day before the new moon.
This is a time for rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation.
Slow down and take care of yourself. Tune into your body and notice how you are feeling during this time. Take time for some deep breathing. Honor your soul.
Possibly take a nap. Enjoy this part of the lunar cycle.
Moving forward. You can create a new intention on the next New Moon or refocus and adjust your intention from the previous one.
I hope you journey on the moon’s cycle. The best place to find out the moon phases is: https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/phases/
If you wish for me to share more ways to enjoy the moon’s phases please pop a comment below or email me at hello@kerryburki.com.

p.s. Little known fact: I am a Certified Lunar Mystic. Getting out of my head and in touch with the phases of the moon has helped me appreciate myself, others, and the world around me so much more.
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