Autumn Guided Meditation

An autumn guided meditation.

I read this beautiful meditation from Melody Beattie’s book, Journey To The Heart, at the self-care circle I hosted this month and put an autumn twist on it.

I got choked up while reading it and knew that I wanted to listen to it myself so I recorded it.

I hope you gift yourself time to listen.

You can do the whole class here: Online Self-Care Circle Video – Yoga + Intuition Training


Online Self-Care Circle Video – Yoga + Intuition Training

What to expect:
We will start with some gentle yoga and breathing exercises. Then we will move on to guided meditation and intuition training with oracle cards.

What you need:

  • yoga clothes or loungewear
  • yoga mat
  • water
  • blanket
  • eye pillow or washcloth
  • yoga strap (optional)
  • oracle cards (If you don’t have an oracle card deck, you can use the printable ones that come as a bonus with my book or the free ones in the mini edition.)
  • In addition to possibly learning something new from me, my goal is for you to learn something new from yourself, your body, your heart, and your intuition.
  • You will leave feeling relaxed, renewed, and refreshed with a deeper connection to yourself so you can go back out into the world with confidence, ease, and clarity.

Waiver: If you have not taken one of my yoga classes recently, please fill out and sign this online waiver: Yoga Waiver

I hope this practice brings peace to your heart, mind, and body.



Change Your Life With Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping)

Last year when I started teaching about the law of attraction and the concepts in Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, I knew it would bring up limiting beliefs in my students.

I decided to add the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as part of our weekly classes to help shift any negative energy that came up around being worthy and capable of receiving our desires.

Because of this, I started using it even more too. It has helped my life so much.

EFT or Tapping is a great tool for eliminating negative and limiting beliefs based on the principles of acupressure. 

It is based on the theory that negative emotional experiences can disturb the energy meridians that run through your body. When you use your fingertips to tap on key points on your face and body while focusing on a problem or negative feeling, you realign the energy meridians associated with those memories and allow healing to occur. 

You start by saying a setup statement like the one below while tapping on specific points on your face and body:

“Even though I have this fear, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

Through this process, you are stating that even if the worst thing about you was true, you still deeply and completely love and accept yourself anyway. So beautiful!

You can get even more specific like:

  • “Even though I worried about how I am going to get clients…”
  • “Even though I have failed in the past….”
  • “Even though I have never been good with money….”
  • “Even though I don’t feel like I should make a living doing what I love…”

You want to go deep and get honest. Always finish with “…I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

The process of EFT restores balance to your energy system and helps create self-acceptance. This is important because it releases you to take action, because then you know it’s never going to be as bad as you think. It’s a reassurance at a soul level, that everything is okay. 

You can use EFT every day if you like to clear some old emotions that reveal themselves as you grow your business and step into the role of entrepreneur.

“With EFT you become responsible for soothing or calming yourself instead of waiting for a person to change your mood, attitude, or behavior so you can feel better immediately and we know that good feelings attract good things.”

– Denise Duffield-Thomas

EFT Sequence:

Come up with a setup phrase such as “Even though I worried about how I am going to get clients…” and notice how intense this feeling is. Then repeat that phrase 3 times while tapping on the side of your hand, the karate chop point. 

Then tap around 5 to 10 times on each of these points:

  • The top of the head
  • The eyebrow, near the bridge of your nose
  • Side of the eye, near your temple
  • Under the eye
  • Under the nose
  • The crease between the chin and lip
  • The collarbone
  • Underneath the arm

While tapping, recite a reminder phrase to maintain focus on your problem area. If your setup phrase is, “Even though I worried about how I am going to get clients…” your reminder phrase can be, “The worry I feel about getting clients.”  or simply “getting clients.” Recite this phrase at each tapping point. Repeat this sequence two or three times.

At the end of your sequence, check in with how intensely you are still feeling. If it hasn’t gone down enough, repeat this process until you feel a positive shift. 

It might feel good to end with a cycle of a positive statement like “Even though in the past, I would get stuck on how things were going to work out, I now know that the Universe supports my desires and I can draw in my dream clients with ease and create a beautiful thriving business I love.”

You can also tap in public by just tapping on the side of your hand (karate chop point) or the outside of the eye on one side.

Tips: Begin to notice when your attitude or energy shifts or you are stuck in negative thoughts. Then use this technique to help you shift out of it. Once you begin to use this regularly, you will love how empowered you feel. Enjoy!

4-Minute Pep Talk Meditation

Last week I got back from having the most amazing time presenting at Craftcation in Ventura, California.

One of the neat things about this event was the Pep Talk Wall they created where attendees could add encouraging words to share and others could take the ones they needed to hear.

I started using them in some of the daily mediations I was leading during the conference. I love them so much that I thought it would be fun to share a short 4-minute Pep Talk Meditation that you can listen to any time you need an energetic boost!

You can simply read the messages below or watch the video and make it a meditation. Enjoy!

I am grateful for myself just the way I am.

I don’t have to be amazing at everything.

I can let myself have fun and make a mess.

I am more than enough.

I am precious.

My presence improves the world.

Everything is going to be okay.

I am amazing.

I am beautiful.

I am enough.

I am a badass.

I embrace my weird.

I’m right where I belong.

I am worthy of everything good.

I am creative.

What other people think of me is none of my business.

I am fabulous.

Everything I put into the world is worthy.

I am worthy of everything good.

I am perfect and beautiful in my own way.

I can choose to live the life I want to live.

When I embrace my flaws, they become part of my magic.

I can do difficult things.

I believe in myself.

I can do anything I set my mind to.

Anything is possible when I think abundantly.

I love my body.

My heart knows the answer.

Everything is going to be okay.

I am magic.

I am beautiful.

I deserve this.

I am right where I belong.

Ritual For Anxiety

Something I’ve been doing in 2022 when I am feeling anxious or overwhelmed about situations and people I can’t control is lighting a candle for them.

Sometimes I even write a little message on a piece of paper and place it under the wax. 

Did you know that you can pull tea lights out of their containers? 

I cut little strips of paper, write down an intention or request, fold it up, place it in the tin, place the candle back on top, then I light the candle while thinking or saying my intention. (See photo above)

Example: Archangel Michael and Metatron, please watch over _______. Thank you.

I tend to say more than I write like, “Archangel Michael, can you please protect _______ from lower energies and Archangel Metatron, can you please nurture _______’s sensitive nature. Thank you.”

I have found that when I do this, it lessens my anxiety and allows me to be more open to see solutions or handle situations with a bit more calm.

You can also pick candles based on their colors or chakra association too. I share in the photos below info about Blue and the Throat chakra from my book, Tend To Your Vibration.

You don’t have to have any spiritual beliefs to do this either. You can ask the Universe, ancestors, or Mother Nature for help or simply light the candle as a way of easing your anxiety or worry.

What matters most are your thoughts and energy. 

I have already grown so much this year and this ritual for anxiety has helped me so much that I wanted to share it with you too.


p.s. I like to ask Archangel Michael to protect, clear, and shield myself and my loved ones. Archangel Metatron is mentioned in the Talmud and some people believe is helpful with parenting sensitive children. 

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