Strawberry Moon Shortcakes Recipe

Each June, my family loves to eat strawberries and whipped cream by the pool under the light of the full moon.

This has become our ritual because one of the common names of the June full moon is the Strawberry Moon due to Native American tribes harvesting strawberries at this time.

The full moon happens here in Scottsdale, AZ on Jun 21, 2024 at 6:07 pm. You can always find your local time for the moon phases here:

Magical Properties of Strawberries

I’m working on a new book about adding a little magic to your summer season and fun rituals to do during the summer full moons.

I love learning the magical properties of foods and incorporating them into my cooking.

Strawberries are often associated with abundance, love, passion, simplicity, and motherhood.

In Irish lore, strawberries are a customary offer to attract faeries.

What do you associate with strawberries? You can work your own magic into this recipe.

I’ve elevated our normal ritual to a strawberry shortcake recipe that has circle shortcakes to represent the full moon. So fun!

How to make this recipe a ritual

Recipes are already rituals and here are a few tips to take it deeper:

  1. After rinsing your strawberries hold them in the sunlight or moonlight asking them to be blessed with the positive energy of the summer season.
  2. Hold your hands over the strawberries and imagine sparkly reddish white light pouring into them and say one of the following:
    • May abundance shower anyone who eats these strawberries.
    • May these strawberries help me/us relax and enjoy the simple pleasures of summer.
    • As I/we eat these berries, may my/our passions flourish and grow.
  3. Hold your hands over the shortcake circles (before or after baking) and imagine a full moon over your head, its silvery light shining down through you and out of your hands into the shortcakes, and say one of the following:
    • May the abundant energy of the full moon infuse these shortcakes and flow into the lives of everyone who enjoys them.
    • As these shortcakes are eaten, may my/our hearts be filled with gratitude.
  4. Hold your hands over the strawberry shortcakes before serving, and ask God/Universe/Spirit/Angels and say one of the following:
    • God/Universe/Spirit/Angels, as I/we eat these treats may my/our hearts be filled with your light and love.
    • God/Universe/Spirit/Angels, thank you for this food and please help me/us focus on the blessings of the summer season.
  5. Enjoy your strawberry shortcakes under the light of the full moon and express gratitude for the blessings in your life.

I’d love to know if you try it and what you think or if you have any favorite strawberry recipes that you’d like to share.

Strawberry Moon Shortcake Recipe

(adapted from NYT Cooking recipe)


  • 2 pints ripe strawberries
  • ½ cup sugar, or more to taste
  • 4 cups flour
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 5 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1¼ cups butter
  • 3 cups whipping cream
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Rinse and hull the strawberries. Then slice. Mash up about 1/3 of them to release the juices and add the rest. Sprinkle on sugar, mix, and set aside or refrigerate. (Feel free to skip the sugar!)
  2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  3. Sift 4 cups of flour, 3 tablespoons sugar, salt, and baking powder together into a large mixing bowl. Add ¾ cup of softened butter and mix it into dry ingredients. Add 1¼ cups cream, and mix to a soft dough. Then knead the dough for one minute in the bowl or on a lightly floured surface.
  4. Roll out the dough to about ½-inch thickness. Use a biscuit cutter or other circle cutter to cut your circle rounds. (You can also use an upside-down glass to make your circle cuts.)
  5. Use some of the butter to grease a baking sheet. Place the rounds on it. Melt the remaining butter and brush a little on the rounds.
  6. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until golden brown.
  7. Remove from the oven and brush the tops again with some of the remaining melted butter.
  8. Using a hand mixer or whisk beat the remaining cream until it thickens. Add vanilla and beat again just until thick. (I used Califia Farms non-dairy heavy cream and it turned nice and thick after being refrigerated. Feel free to use store-bought whipped cream too.)
  9. Top each shortcake moon with spoonfuls of cream and berries. Enjoy immediately.

If you have any tips to add, I’d love to hear them. This recipe yielded sooooo many shortcake moons so we will be freezing them and enjoying this all summer long!

This is perfect 3 days before or after the full moon or ANY time this summer.

I hope you enjoy your Strawberry Moon Shortcake!


  • If your first batch is for a small amount of people, you can use 1/4 of the strawberries and freeze the remaining shortcakes.
  • You can also halve the recipe to make fewer shortcakes.
  • You can use two shortcakes per serving also. Load everything in between and top with whipped cream.
  • Store-bought whipped cream is perfect too!
  • I don’t give a serving size because it will vary depending on the size of the circles you cut.
  • You can see a video of my process on Instagram here:
  • Don’t want to bake? Simply enjoy some strawberries and whipped cream under the full moon. Or Trader Joe’s has some delicious shortcake biscuits that I used last year.

An Autumn Playlist

When we change from summer to fall, I love to change just about everything in my home and life, including the music I listen to.

I created an Autumn Playlist last year to listen to under the Full Harvest Moon and my whole family loved listening to it all season.

It is also perfect for just chilling out, taking a bath, gathering with friends, or spending time at your altar. Enjoy!

  • Autumn In New York – Billie Holiday
  • Harvest Moon – Neil Young
  • Autumn Town Leaves – Iron and Wine
  • Undone – The Sweater Song – Weezer
  • My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion – The Flaming Lips
  • Seasons (Autumn): I. Allegro – Vivaldi
  • Autumn Leaves – Nat King Cole
  • We Fell In Love In October – Girl in Red
  • Autumn Sweater – Yo La Tengo
  • Autumn Leaves – Ed Sheeran
  • Autumn Almanac – The Kinks
  • Autumn Serenade – John Coltrane 
  • Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground – The White Stripes
  • Harvest Fair – Summer Salt
  • Ramble On – Led Zeppelin
  • Sweater Weather – The Neighborhood

You can find this playlist on Apple Music here: Autumn Playlist.

My husband, Matt, created a Halloween playlist I think you might like. Check it out here: Halloween Playlist.

Reach out or comment with any other songs you think would be a perfect addition!

New Moon In Taurus Ritual

Today is a powerful new moon in Taurus.

What seeds do you want to plant?

What money goals do you have for the next 6 months?

Try this New Moon In Taurus Ritual:

Write it down on a piece of paper.

Now hold that in your hand and imagine energy coming up from the earth and filling your body. 

Imagine that energy flowing out of your hands and into the paper, then say, “Earth Energy/Mother Earth, can you please infuse my goal with your grounded and healing energy?”

Visualizing your goals coming true.

Get into the energy of how it would feel.

Then either bury it in a plant or garden or place it under your current favorite stone (pyrite is my favorite for this).

Then call on the Divine in a way that feels good and say, “Can you please support and guide me as I surrender my desire to your care? Thank you./So be it./Amen.”

Taurus is an earth sign associated with money.

Have fun tapping into this powerful energy.

Then go do something that future version of you would do.

Start to live from that energy today.

Let go of how it is going to work out.

Do things that will help you be in s state of trusting that the right people and opportunities will show up and that you are worthy of your desires.

I look forward to manifesting our money goals together!

p.s. I have been working with the energy of money a lot lately and a big thing I am learning is to be intimate with your money. 

It is important to know the money coming in and going out and where it is coming from and where it is going. 

It had become apparent that I stopped doing this and now that I am tracking everything closely, I am making the more money.

Love this for me and I want it for you too!

Remember, what you focus on grows.

2023 Moon Phase Printable Calendar

2023 Moon Phase Printable Calendars

I created a New Moon and Full Moon Calendar for you! I know it is a little late but I was working on a slideshow for an upcoming Lunar Creativity Workshop I am teaching in California next month and felt inspired to create one.

Moon Phases 2023

Moon Phases 2023 – with time in PT

I cut mine out and put it on the fridge so my family can follow along too!

Tonight is a Full Moon in Libra. Here are a few ways to celebrate:


November Vibrations

Hello Kerry,

Welcome to November! Curl up with a cup of tea or a glass of wine and get into the vibrations of November. 

November At-A-Glance:

  • Roasted Pumpkin Seed Recipe – Do you have pumpkin seeds left over from carving jack-o-lanterns? This simple recipe from my sister-in-law will have you devouring them!
  • Waxing Moon ActivityCreate An Ancestor Altar – Today is All Souls Day and this is the perfect time of year to connect with those who have gone before you. The altar is something you can keep up year-round if that feels right to you.
  • November 8th: Full Moon – I love yoga under the moon and thought you might like to try this How To Clear Your Aura – a mini-yoga sequence.
  • Waning Moon ActivityReleasing the Past Guided Visualization – If you are ready to embark on a new chapter or are feeling held back by a person or a younger version of yourself (mistakes made or bad choices you associate with your younger self), then this guided meditation will help you release the past and one forward.
  • Take Time For You Speaker Summit – November 28 and December 12 – I’m going to be part of this free event geared towards helping busy women take time for themselves and share tools to get through the most stressful time of the year without losing their minds. More details coming soon!
  • November 23rd is a New Moon – Since this is the day before Thanksgiving here in the United States, I plan on making a simple intention of slowing down and enjoying the holiday season.
  • I am cutting these cards out to use as dinner-time conversation prompts this month.Happy Thanksgiving – Free Gratitude Cards Printables and one of those dinners is going to be this: Yummy Vegan Flatbread for Thanksgiving.

I hope you enjoy getting into the energy of the season. 

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