Using oracles cards can change your life in so many positive ways!

The amount of time I spent fretting and worrying about things lessened once I started using oracle cards.

I love using them so much that I created printable ones to correspond with all of the tools and techniques in my Free Spirit Guidebook as a bonus.

You might not know this but you have a lot of the answers that you are looking for.

You just need to slow down long enough to listen. Not always an easy task and that is why oracle cards can help.

Creating your own deck can help you create cards that have a more personal meaning to you. They are also fun to use in readings with other decks too.

In this video, I share how to make DIY cards based on how you would make a vision board.

Let your creativity flow!

When I did this, I matched up colors and vibes and really love how the final cards turned out. You can see them below.

DIY Oracle Card Supplies:

  • magazines
  • glue sticks or tape
  • index cards
  • scissors
  • washi tape (optional)
  • mod podge (optional)
  • laminating machine (optional)

You will start out cutting out pictures, patterns, and colors. Then you will focus on words or phrases like

“Live your best life.”

“Dive in.”

“You can do anything.”

Cut everything out first and then start to match color patterns. Once you have them grouped together you can begin to glue them to the cards.

To finish, you might like to cover them with Mod Podge or laminate them.

How to use your Oracle Cards

  • Sit up tall
  • Hold them in front of your heart
  • Take some deep breaths
  • Call on your guides
  • Optional: Say: “Guides of the highest frequency, what do I need to know right now?”
  • Imagine the guidance coming to you or from within you
  • Shuffle the cards
  • Pick a card
  • Intuitively interpret the card
  • See how you can bring it into your life
  • Act on it

That is how you make your own amazing, personal oracle card experience.

If you end up making your own deck, please share with me! On social media (Facebook & Instagram), in the comments, or email me at

You can see more of my designs close up by scrolling below 🙂

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