Tomorrow is Independence Day here in the States and there will be lots of fireworks celebrating our Country, I created a chakra firework meditation to help you celebrate yourself.
It is a perfect way to help release stagnant or stuck energy in these areas and help you shine bright.
The chakras are spheres of energy on your energetic plane that line up with your spinal cord.
Moving from the base of your spine to the crown of your head, this meditation will help clear and activate each one.
You can learn more about chakras in my book, Tend To Your Vibration!
This meditation will have you feeling beautiful, grounded, and in touch with the universe. Enjoy!
Below is a short description of each chakra:
Root Chakra
- Location: Base of the spine
- Color: Red
- Sanskrit name: Muladhara
- Energy: Earth
- When balanced you will feel grounded and secure.
Sacral Chakra
- Location: Sacrum, low belly, sex organs
- Color: Orange
- Sanskrit name: Svadhishthana
- Energy: Water
- When balanced you will feel creative and emotionally stable.
Navel Chakra
- Location: Above the belly button
- Color: Yellow
- Sanskrit name: Manipura
- Energy: Fire
- When balanced you will feel confident and self-disciplined.
Heart Chakra
- Location: Heart center
- Color: Green
- Sanskrit name: Anahata
- Energy: Air
- When balanced you will feel loving and loved.
Throat Chakra
- Location: Throat
- Color: Blue
- Sanskrit name: Vishuddha
- Energy: Sound
- When balanced you will feel truthful and expressive.
Third-Eye Chakra
- Location: Third-eye (space between the eyebrows)
- Color: Indigo
- Sanskrit name: Ajna
- Energy: Light
- When balanced you will feel intuitive and imaginative.
Crown Chakra
- Location: Crown of Head
- Color: Violet
- Sanskrit name: Sahasrara
- Energy: Consciousness
- When balanced you will feel connected to the divine and wise.