There is an excessive heat warning here in Arizona today so I thought it was the perfect time to share this cooling breath video I made around this time last year.
I’m sharing two simplified ways of doing this breath. One is curling the tongue, which I can’t do, so I give another option too.
They are simple, quick, and will have you feeling chilled out in no time at all.
Sitali Breath – Cooling Breath
Heating up from the hot weather? Try this breath. It is both cooling and calming which is perfect for hot summer months. Plus, this breath reminds us that we have more power and control over our bodies, our lives and ultimately our reactions to life, including the weather. Hooray! So cool (literally)!
Benefits include:
– cools the body
– adds moisture to the body (so perfect for Arizonans!)
– reduces fatigue
Sitting tall, close your eyes, take some deep breaths, then open your mouth and form your lips into an “O.” Curl your tongue lengthwise and stick it out of your mouth just a little bit. Inhale deeply across your tongue and into your mouth as if drinking through a straw. Notice the cooling sensation of the breath. Try for 1 to 2 minutes. Bring your tongue in and close your mouth, exhaling through the nostrils.
***Not recommended if you have heart problems.
Sitkari Breath
(the name of the breath with the teeth touching)
Benefits include:
– cools the body
– balances your hormones naturally
– increases vitality
Sitting with your eyes closed, gently press your bottom and top teeth together and separate your lips as much as you comfortably can, so your teeth are exposed to the air. Inhale slowly through your teeth and focus on the sound of your breath. Try for 1 to 2 minutes. Close your mouth and slowly exhale through your nose.
***Not recommended if you have high blood pressure.
These are best used during hot weather months, after a heated exercise practice, or when experiencing anger.