Working with Essential Oil Blends

Do you love essential oils? Me too!

I am a distributor for Young Living and want to share the opportunity to purchase their oils through me.

You can simply pick the ones you want and use my Member Number 1287347 at to buy them.

Below are a few of my favorite blends and rituals.

If you are interested in learning more and becoming a distributor yourself, please reach out to me at with “essential oils” in the subject line.

I do use lots of different essential oil brands because I get excited by all of them but I use Young Living most consistently. After lots of research and experience with different brands, I confidently chose to be a distributor with Young Living.

Their commitment to quality, the environment, and ethics is inspirational and gives me peace of mind when using their 100% pure therapeutic-grade oils.

I am so thrilled to be sharing the benefits of these oils and blends along with some helpful and unique ways to incorporate them into your daily life so you can enjoy them and thrive too!

When you sign up with me, you get free access to my Working with Essential Oils Guide! It includes ways to work with essential oils and rituals for 24 Young Living oils.