I am sharing one of my favorite breathing techniques with you today! It is commonly used during yoga practice and meditation. It can also be a great way to start your day, recharge midday, and to unwind at the end of the day. It is the Ujjayi Breath or Victorious Breath. Make sure you scroll down to catch a peek of my 4 year old Simon sharing his own little video too!
I created two printables that include how to do the breath and list the benefits. I put two on each page so you could have one by your bed and the other at your work space or purse or anywhere! I also created to colorways in case you are not a huge fan of pink. Just click on the image and print! Please let me know if it is easy to read. Also, if you want to do this from your computer without the video just zoom in on the image below or after you open the printable so you can read it on your screen.
After I finished filming this video my son, Simon, came downstairs and asked if he could make a video too. Please check it out, he will be so thrilled!
I just found your website. Been wanting to work on breathing for the longest time. Today I took the first step to learn what ujjayi breath really means (even though I’ve been doing yoga for sometime) and found your site and the cards you made. These cards are fantastic, Thank you! I’m definitely going to take one for work, great motivation, thanks for sharing!!!
Nathalie, I am thrilled that you found my site and these cards! It is so good to have a reminder to take deep breaths. I have them all over plus an alert on my phone 🙂 Good luck and I hope to see you around here. I am always sharing new goodies! XO!