I love quick ways to get energized and I love ways to tune into the energy of the moon. This sequence quickly warms you up and helps you release any old junk you are holding onto.
This sequence is perfect to do during the waxing phase of the moon when the moon is growing.
You might like to have 2 yoga blocks to rest your hands on during the lunge poses if you are feeling tight. Always check with your doctor before practicing yoga.
The most important thing is to listen to your body. You can push yourself but you do not want to be in pain at any time. You are your best teacher and I am simply your guide.
Benefits of Flow Yoga:
- Increased metabolism
- Releases toxins
- Helps focus the mind
- Releases tightness and tension
- Increases flexibility
- Builds muscle
- Improves lung capacity
There are a ton more benefits too! One of the reasons I practice this is to remove blocks to my intuition. You should feel like a clear channel after this session.
Practice this and let me know how you feel after!!!!
If you really like this, I would recommend doing it 2 to 3 days a week.