Try this Magical Front Door Cleanse if you want to shift the energy of your home.

Get a broom, a bucket of water, a rag, & an essential oil that has qualities you want to bring about.

Sweep from the inside out with the intention of sweeping away any stuck or challenging energy in your home.

Fill your bucket with warm water & add about 10 drops of your essential oil.

Standing over the bucket with your eyes closed, imagine drawing energy up from the earth through your feet and root chakra. Then imagine drawing energy down from the divine through the crown of your head.

Imagine this as light. Maybe it’s golden or rainbow or sparkly.

Imagine that light meets at your heart, moves down your arms & out of your hands. Face your palms at the bucket of water & imagine it being filled with this light.

Empower the water to be infused with the energy of the oil you chose.

I chose Believe oil by Young Living.


Believe: May this water be infused with the energy to help everyone who lives here & enters here move past emotional setbacks and barriers to reach true, unlimited potential.

Lavender: May this water be infused with the energy to help everyone who lives here & enters here experience a sense of calmness & peace.

Peppermint: May this water be infused with the energy to help everyone who lives here & enters here feel a profound sense of clarity & the energy to move towards their dreams.

Grapefruit: May this water be infused with the energy to help everyone who lives here & enters here feel a sense of renewed energy to change their habits in positive ways.

Then clean your front door/screen/both.

When you are done, repeat the empowerment part with your palms facing your front door.

Say: May everyone who lives here and enters here ______.

Dump the water with the intention of releasing anything standing in your way of embracing the energy you just set for your entryway.

Enjoy this new sparkly feeling of cleanliness & positive energy!

Repeat as needed.