breathing techniques

The Secret to Less Fatigue & a Calm Mind

Ahh…doesn’t less fatigue and a calm mind sound like heaven?

You probably already have some tips and tricks that you like to use and I am adding one more to your toolbox. Or possibly just a longer version.

Drumroll, please….


“The stresses of modern civilization are a strain on the nerves for which Savasana is the best antidote.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

For those of you that are not yogis, this is the relaxation practice traditionally done a the end of a yoga class.

It is also great to do at the end of the day, after a run or gym class, or simply when you are feeling stressed.

I created a Savasana video so you can experience the full 9 to 10 minutes of relaxation anytime.

The first one is a bit of an introduction about what I am writing here and the second one is the full relaxation. So go get your blankets!

Remember, it is harder to calm the mind than it is to relax the body so this is considered one of the most challenging poses in yoga.

The reason it is worth doing is that “this conscious relaxation invigorates and refreshes both the body and the mind.”

I have been teaching yoga for about 14 years and have seen the length of time spent in savasana decline over the years.

In the famous yoga text by B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on Yoga, it is suggested to do 10 to 15 minutes after asana (physical poses) and 5 to 10 minutes after pranayama (breathing exercises).

Intrigued? Go relax your way into the weekend!

3 breathing techniques that will change your life!

Years ago I started using these breathing techniques throughout my day instead of just on my yoga mat and my life truly started to change for the better.

There are tons of benefits to these and I will share them below.

My favorite benefits are mental health benefits!

These breathing techniques help me shift from low energy to high energy, from negative to positive, from my workday to family time, from my day to sleep, and so on.

I used to wait to have time to have a full yoga practice to experience these benefits and now I can get them anytime I want in a short amount of time.

Want to consistently release negative energy and shift to a higher vibration?

Then get started with these 3 breaths!

Releasing Breath

Great in the afternoon for shifting from day to night, work to family time, and at the end of the day. Using the arms is optional.

This breath helps clear your mind, feel more in control of your emotions, and releases negative energy.

Sitting tall, you inhale with 4 sniffs, and then take one long exhale. Repeat for 4 cycles or for 1 to 3 minutes.

Breath of Fire

Great in the morning or anytime for energy.

This breath helps strengthen your nervous system to respond to stress with greater ease, increases lung capacity, energy, and endurance, plus it can help with addictive tendencies.

Sitting tall, take quick inhales and exhales of equal length. The area above the navel point naturally comes in on the exhale and releases on the inhale. Try it for 3 rounds or set a timer for 1 to 3 minutes.

Take a break if you feel dizzy.

Not recommended if you are pregnant or menstruating.

Deep Breathing – Grounding Breath

Simple breath perfect for when you are feeling frazzled, worried, up in your head, focused outside of yourself, etc.

Use anytime you want to feel more grounded.

Reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, releases toxins and tensions, and is calming.

Sit tall, inhale for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 4. That is one round.

Try it for 3 rounds or set a timer for longer.

These can all be used as a meditation. You can also try to meditate after doing one of these for a few minutes. It helps to get you out of your head and into your body.

Relax after and notice how you feel.

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