fullmoonfbYoga under the Full Moon! Join me as I guide a yoga class on the front lawn at Alis Living, a darling shop in a Charles Miller Historic Home in Old Town Scottsdale. Come move your body to release stress and tension so you can be open to all of the blessings coming your way. This gentle yoga class will invite you to discover where you are carrying tension and teach you how to release it so you can feel more open, positive, and grateful.

Cost: $15 (click image below to pay) $20 (at the event)

Can’t make it? Join me in my Facebook group for a Free Full Moon Oracle Card Reading!



 Photo from The Mover & Makers Summit in Charleston, SC in Feb. ’15

Looking to make your group feel extra special?

I love sharing my knowledge of yoga, breathing, intention setting, intuition, positive thinking, and relaxation with others.

I have programs like:

Slowing Down To Move Forward (business or life versions)

Seaside Yoga

Dream Board Workshop

Optimizing Your Day For Creativity

Yoga and Essential Oils

Mindful Shopping

Rejuvenate + Restore

Yoga + Hiking

Affirmations + Essential Oils

Mandala Painting + Yoga

Or I can customize something for your group! Please get in touch so we can chat and talk about making your event one-of-a-kind!

You can email me at or use my contact page.

whatpeoplearesayingRecent events:

Hiking + Yoga – Self-love Mandala Painting + Yoga Workshop – Dream Board Workshop – Manifesto + Affirmation Yoga Class – Positive Affirmations at Whole Foods – Full Moon Yoga + Meditation

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