Tarot Birthday Card of the Year

Did you know that you have a different tarot card theme each year? It’s true!

It’s your Tarot Birthday Card of the Year.

It is based on numerology.

You add up the numbers of your birthday and the current year to see which tarot card is the theme for that year. Anything over 21 is added together to make a smaller number.

I’ll use my birthday as an example: 4/6/2023


17 is The Star Card in tarot.

Wondering how to work with this energy?

I’ll use my card from last year as an example.

16 is The Tower card in tarot.

Here are some of the associations from my favorite decks:

The Tower – Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan:

  • Change of plans
  • Revelation of secrets
  • Upheaval
  • Blow to the ego
  • Situations coming to a head
  • Reevaluation
  • Dramatic change
  • Removal of blocks in your spiritual path

The Tower – Rider-Waite Tarot

  • Breaking down existing forms to make new ones
  • Finding a new way to do things
  • Challenge complacency
  • New visions and possibilities

Pierced Shield – Medicine Woman Tarot by Carol Bridges

  • Long-held attitudes being challenged
  • Higher self breaking out of its shell
  • Thought structure that kept you limited is breaking away
  • Higher version of yourself is being released.

Powerful, right?!

This time last year I was planning on making big changes to my health that led to big changes in every area of my life from habits to mindset to self-esteem to intuition, and more.

Last year was exhilarating and very hard at the same time. I had to face a lot of negative aspects of my life and personality.

Every time things seemed intense, I used the energy of this card as my anchor.

I knew that my old way of doing things had to fall away so that I could step into the higher-vibe version of myself that I truly desired to be.

As I step into my 46th year of life, I am prepping for the energy of The Star.

The Star – Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan:

  • Healing
  • Inspirations
  • Intuition
  • Renewal
  • Hope
  • Peace
  • Wishes granted
  • Astrological magic
  • Wisdom
  • Creativity is flowing

The Star – Rider-Waite Tarot

  • Light after darkness
  • Hope
  • Promise
  • Sense of purpose
  • A goal to reach for
  • Ambition to aim towards
  • Belief that things will be right, even after things have been difficult
  • Optimism not to give up

The Grandfathers – Medicine Woman Tarot by Carol Bridges

  • Connect with ancient sources of wisdom
  • Honor the ways of your ancestors
  • Receive guidance from those who passed before you
  • Meditation as cosmic nourishment
  • Renewed health and vitality

Ooh! Loving this powerful energy that will support all the big changes I made going forward.

Your turn!

Add up the numbers from your last birthday to find your card of the year.

Then take out your tarot deck and pull that card.

You might like to first notice what intuitive hints come in before reading the traditional meaning.

Trust what comes up.

Then have fun and dive into the meaning in the guidebook.

Place the card somewhere as a reminder occasionally throughout the year.

Don’t have a tarot deck? No problem!

Simply calculate your card of the year and then do a Google search for the meanings of that card.

Jot down the parts that jump out at you.

Reflect on how you are already experiencing that energy and how knowing this can support you for the rest of the year.

Have fun!

Feel free to pop your card of the year in the comments and I’ll share the energy I associate with the card.

Online Self-Care Circle Video – Yoga + Intuition Training

What to expect:
We will start with some gentle yoga and breathing exercises. Then we will move on to guided meditation and intuition training with oracle cards.

What you need:

  • yoga clothes or loungewear
  • yoga mat
  • water
  • blanket
  • eye pillow or washcloth
  • yoga strap (optional)
  • oracle cards (If you don’t have an oracle card deck, you can use the printable ones that come as a bonus with my book or the free ones in the mini edition.)
  • In addition to possibly learning something new from me, my goal is for you to learn something new from yourself, your body, your heart, and your intuition.
  • You will leave feeling relaxed, renewed, and refreshed with a deeper connection to yourself so you can go back out into the world with confidence, ease, and clarity.

Waiver: If you have not taken one of my yoga classes recently, please fill out and sign this online waiver: Yoga Waiver

I hope this practice brings peace to your heart, mind, and body.



New Moon In Virgo Intention Setting + Tarot Spread

Tomorrow (8/27/22) is a New Moon in Virgo and I just love that it is always around back-to-school time because the energy is so grounding and helps us get back into a schedule.

The new moon is an ideal time for setting new intentions and beginning new projects. It is when the moon is between the earth and the sun, therefore, it is hidden from view.

Consider setting an intention with a Virgo twist for the next lunar cycle or to create a shift by the next Full Moon in Virgo in March. It is an Earth sign and the keywords associated are grounded, order, helpfulness, perfectionism, cleanliness, helper, selfless, and analytical.

Write down your intention starting with ”I am” or ”I intend.” You can write this in a journal or on a piece of paper. Say your intention out loud.

How would you feel if these statements were true?

Tap into that feeling. visualize what it would look like. Do this daily during the moon cycle for extra energy around your intention.

If you have my book, Tend To Your Vibration, you can plan out the lunar cycle by filling out the worksheet from the BONUS section online during the New Moon. This will guide you during the phases.

For those of you that like to do card readings, try the one above to help get some insight on how to move forward in the direction you want to go during the next four weeks.


Introducing: Tend To Your Vibration – a guidebook

Tend To Your Vibration a guidebook

Take a moment and sit up tall, do some shoulder rolls, and take some deep breaths through your nose. Now imagine white light all around you and envision an animal next to you as your guide. Finish by saying something nice to yourself and smile.

Notice how you feel. Hopefully, you feel a little bit better than you did before. Enjoy these feelings. This is an example of tending to your vibration.

Your vibration is your emotional energy. Your vibration changes depending on how you feel and what you are focusing on. Your vibration is high when you are feeling good and trusting that life is working out for you. Your vibration is low when you are criticizing yourself and feeling stuck.

Your emotional energy acts as a magnet that draws more of what you are feeling into your life. Your vibration is created by you, your thoughts, how you feel physically, and what you spend time focusing on.

Basically, your thoughts create your emotions which create your vibration. When you tend to your vibration, you can begin to truly enjoy each moment while creating a life you love.

The word “tend” means to care for, look after, or give one’s attention to. This guidebook will help you tend to your emotions, environment, and vibration like you would a garden or your home. You will do this using nature, breath, thoughts, imagination, and energy.

The techniques shared are simple ways to help you enjoy life more and draw more things to enjoy into your life. They are a mix of my creations, ancient techniques from my yogic studies, tried and true life coaching exercises, along with energy work from my experience as an intuitive mentor.

You will become a magnet for your desires.

Tending to your vibration looks different for everyone. I share what has worked for me. Along the way, you will discover what works for you. All of it will help you become a more authentic version of yourself.

You will learn how to empower yourself and shift your energy to a higher vibration. If you commit to working on the tips and exercises, you will feel a massive positive shift in the flow and experience of your life. 

This work will help you enjoy life more and feel more confident in the choices you make. I am not saying you won’t have bad days. It’s important to feel all of your feelings.

The goal of the work I am sharing is to help you learn how to handle the ups and downs of life with more grace and ease. You will bounce back quicker and learn to catch yourself going negative faster.

You will learn how to tune out the world around you and tune into your inner wisdom. You will have the resources to change your mood, your thoughts, your breath, and your life.

Your life might change, or you might change how you look at your life. Or both! Either way, you will feel empowered by the work you do and happy that you have committed to bringing positive change into your life.

Take a moment and thank yourself for taking this time for yourself.

You might want to create a special place in which to do this work. This could be a room, a chair, a nook. Maybe just a basket or tray that will contain the tools you want around you as you work through this guide like candles, matches, incense, essential oils, etc. Make it yours.

You might like to get a journal to write down your reflections and responses or use the printable worksheets I created for you by visiting the Book Bonus section on my website.

There is a positive affirmation at the end of each lesson that you might like to incorporate into your life or possibly repeat when you are practicing the lessons. Notice the ones that make you feel really good and repeat them often.

Have fun with this guide! Think of it as a toolbox you can use to help you get unstuck, pumped up, relaxed, goal-oriented, and so on.

When you are first starting, you might like to keep your efforts private or share them with the world. Honor your feelings around how you share the time you take for yourself.

You will have different needs at different times, and this guide will feel like a comforting space to come back to help you tune in and remember who you really are.

Get ready! I hope you enjoy this journey of creating positive shifts and receiving abundance in every area of your life by tending to your vibration.

You are worthy of enjoying life, feeling good, and manifesting your dreams!

xo, Kerry

Tend To Your Vibration – a guidebook is here!

Here is what is new in this latest edition:

  • New title: Tend To Your Vibration (this is the original title I wanted so I am super happy for the opportunity to update it!).
  • New cover: Floral design by Kristen Fagan.
  • New size: The guidebook is now 7.5 x 9.25 instead of 8.5 x 11.
  • Edited introduction: The content above is from the new intro
  • Additional page of essential oil rituals: Also added to the bonus section for those who own the first edition!
  • Removed the words smudge and sage from the Clearing Your Space with Smoke and Sound lesson: I suggest rosemary, garden sage (different from white sage), and lavender.
  • Updated Bibliography and Recommended Reading: Which is available to see below.
  • New price: It is now $22.99.

Thank you so much for your support! This journey has actually helped me create a better version of my book that I am really confident about. I love that the universe brought me to this moment. I look forward to tending to our vibrations together!

Tend To Your Vibes To-Do List

If you have read my book, Tend To Your Vibration, then you will have learned that setting time aside to tend to yourself regularly can give you a level of freedom that you have never felt before.

With my kids back in school, I have been playing around with a semi-daily to-do list that I made for myself and I thought you might enjoy using it too.

I say “semi-daily” because each personality is different. You might like this daily, weekly, monthly, or randomly. Whichever one suits you, I hope you enjoy this list and guide below!

How to Use Your To-Do List:

  • Date: Add the date here (this takes the pressure off of having to do this every day if that is not your jam)
  • Moon Phases: Check in on what phase the moon is and write it in this space. Bonus: Check the Living by the Light of the Moon Lesson in my Free Spirit Guidebook to help you create rituals or actions to do during each phase) or use this blog post as a guide: How To Connect to the Moon Phases.
  • Check Boxes: Breathing, Exercise, Meditation, and Vision Board are 4 things I recommend doing as much as possible.
    • Breathing: You can find breathing exercises in Tend To Your Vibration and also on my blog here: https://www.kerryburki.com/category/breathing-techniques/
    • Exercise: Any type of movement that makes you feel good like dancing, yoga, or a walk can count as exercise.
    • Meditation: You can practice your fave form of meditation, or sit for a few minutes after breathing as your meditation, or listen to the ones I have added to the bonus section online of my book, listen to these on my blog: https://www.kerryburki.com/category/meditation/
    • Vision Board: Spend a few moments in front of your vision board on a regular basis feeling like all of it has come true. Use the lessons in the Working with Your Thoughts section of my book, Tend To Your Vibration to help you manifest it into life. Don’t have a vision board? Here are some tips: https://www.kerryburki.com/?s=vision+board
  • Water: Did you know that you are supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day? I added the average of 8 glasses here even though I personally have to drink more. (Let me know if you want a version of this with more glasses). You can cross the glasses off or color them in with a blue colored pencil. Such a fun way to keep track of water consumption. Drinking water will help you in every area of your life. I promise! 
  • Crystal: Pick a crystal to work with either daily or for a bit of time. You can write down the crystal in this space. I like to either pick one I am drawn to or pick one based on the energy associated with it. You can find out more in my book and also in this post: Pick and Crystal – Mini Reading.
  • Intuitive Hints and Synchronicities: If you start doing this work on a regular basis, then you will start to see evidence of your dreams coming true and receiving guidance in your daily life. It is so important to record these moments as proof that your efforts are working and to keep your vibration at a level that keeps manifesting more of what you want. I also carry a little notebook around to write these down on the fly. This is inspired by most of my book but especially the Have Fun & Draw In lesson.
  • Card Pull: I love pulling a card a day after asking “What do I need to know right now?” You can do this at the beginning of the day and reflect back later or do it at the end of the day and notice what comes up. You can also use the printable oracle cards from the online bonus section of my book. They will give you guidance on which lessons might have to most impact on your life right now.
  • I am grateful for: Lastly, it feels so good to express what you are grateful for on a regular basis. Bonus: What to really feel good? After you write what you are grateful for add “because” and then finish the sentence. This amps up the feeling of gratitude which makes your life that much more enjoyable.

Whew! I promise it won’t take you as long to fill this out as it did to read all of this. Lol! I hope you enjoy bringing this activity into your life.


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