Guided Meditation For Relaxation (My Super Relaxation Meditation)

2022 will feel a lot different if you begin to do this on a regular basis!

I shared this guided meditation for a vision board workshop that I recently hosted and everyone loved it and told me that it helped them shift their energy and their mood. They said that it helped them feel more positive and able to welcome what they wanted to put on their vision boards.

It is also perfect for when you are feeling lost or overwhelmed.

It really helps you relax and chill out and release stress which we all really need right now.

It is a great way to get into your body. We spend so much time looking outside of ourselves. Me included, I have a very hard time getting off my phone. So often we are looking and comparing ourselves to what other people are doing.

That is why I like to share ways that we can come from a calmer, happier, more peaceful place.

In this meditation, you will be guided to focus on different points of your body. The body always gravitates towards a state of equilibrium so without any effort on your part if there is any tension in these areas they will relax just by bringing your awareness to them. Just holding these areas in your awareness allows constrictions to fall away.

You may start to notice a new vibrancy.

At the end, notice how your body is feeling physically. Notice your emotions or just your general state.

If you are in a place where it is comfortable you might want to lay down on your back for a few moments like savasana in yoga. This can allow the benefits of what you have been doing to permeate and register there.

When you do decide to get up, I suggest that you get up slowly.

Notice the vibrancy of the colors and the light. Just come back slowly into your environment.

Enjoy how you feel!

Candle Gazing: Gift Yourself A Moment of Peace

I’m popping in to share a quick and simple way to give yourself a moment of peace this holiday season. 

It’s called Candle Gazing and it is a lesson from Tend To Your Vibration.

  • Light a taper candle and have it about a foot in front of you, preferably at eye level.
  • Gaze at the candle for one minute.
  • Close your eyes and imagine the flame at your third eye (the spot between your eyebrows) for two minutes. 
  • Cup your hands over your eyes and take a few breaths.

That’s it! 

This activity helps increase feelings of oneness with the universe and reduces feelings of separation.

I have been so busy lately and absolutely loving every second but my life flows better when I take these small moments so tend to my vibration.

I did this the other day and just love how fast I can create a sense of calm.

If you want to do this right now, I made a one-minute video of my candle flame for you to gaze at, and then you can set a timer for two minutes to close your eyes after or simply try to keep them closed longer than you gazed at the candle.

I like to use the Insight Timer app on my phone to create an interval timer so I don’t have to count or worry about messing with my phone during this short meditation. You simply set a 3-minute timer with an interval bell at one minute and an ending bell.

All the lessons in my Tend To Your Vibration guidebook help give you a moment of peace so you can enjoy life and allow more beautiful things to come into your experience.


Introducing: Tend To Your Vibration – a guidebook

Tend To Your Vibration a guidebook

Take a moment and sit up tall, do some shoulder rolls, and take some deep breaths through your nose. Now imagine white light all around you and envision an animal next to you as your guide. Finish by saying something nice to yourself and smile.

Notice how you feel. Hopefully, you feel a little bit better than you did before. Enjoy these feelings. This is an example of tending to your vibration.

Your vibration is your emotional energy. Your vibration changes depending on how you feel and what you are focusing on. Your vibration is high when you are feeling good and trusting that life is working out for you. Your vibration is low when you are criticizing yourself and feeling stuck.

Your emotional energy acts as a magnet that draws more of what you are feeling into your life. Your vibration is created by you, your thoughts, how you feel physically, and what you spend time focusing on.

Basically, your thoughts create your emotions which create your vibration. When you tend to your vibration, you can begin to truly enjoy each moment while creating a life you love.

The word “tend” means to care for, look after, or give one’s attention to. This guidebook will help you tend to your emotions, environment, and vibration like you would a garden or your home. You will do this using nature, breath, thoughts, imagination, and energy.

The techniques shared are simple ways to help you enjoy life more and draw more things to enjoy into your life. They are a mix of my creations, ancient techniques from my yogic studies, tried and true life coaching exercises, along with energy work from my experience as an intuitive mentor.

You will become a magnet for your desires.

Tending to your vibration looks different for everyone. I share what has worked for me. Along the way, you will discover what works for you. All of it will help you become a more authentic version of yourself.

You will learn how to empower yourself and shift your energy to a higher vibration. If you commit to working on the tips and exercises, you will feel a massive positive shift in the flow and experience of your life. 

This work will help you enjoy life more and feel more confident in the choices you make. I am not saying you won’t have bad days. It’s important to feel all of your feelings.

The goal of the work I am sharing is to help you learn how to handle the ups and downs of life with more grace and ease. You will bounce back quicker and learn to catch yourself going negative faster.

You will learn how to tune out the world around you and tune into your inner wisdom. You will have the resources to change your mood, your thoughts, your breath, and your life.

Your life might change, or you might change how you look at your life. Or both! Either way, you will feel empowered by the work you do and happy that you have committed to bringing positive change into your life.

Take a moment and thank yourself for taking this time for yourself.

You might want to create a special place in which to do this work. This could be a room, a chair, a nook. Maybe just a basket or tray that will contain the tools you want around you as you work through this guide like candles, matches, incense, essential oils, etc. Make it yours.

You might like to get a journal to write down your reflections and responses or use the printable worksheets I created for you by visiting the Book Bonus section on my website.

There is a positive affirmation at the end of each lesson that you might like to incorporate into your life or possibly repeat when you are practicing the lessons. Notice the ones that make you feel really good and repeat them often.

Have fun with this guide! Think of it as a toolbox you can use to help you get unstuck, pumped up, relaxed, goal-oriented, and so on.

When you are first starting, you might like to keep your efforts private or share them with the world. Honor your feelings around how you share the time you take for yourself.

You will have different needs at different times, and this guide will feel like a comforting space to come back to help you tune in and remember who you really are.

Get ready! I hope you enjoy this journey of creating positive shifts and receiving abundance in every area of your life by tending to your vibration.

You are worthy of enjoying life, feeling good, and manifesting your dreams!

xo, Kerry

Tend To Your Vibration – a guidebook is here!

Here is what is new in this latest edition:

  • New title: Tend To Your Vibration (this is the original title I wanted so I am super happy for the opportunity to update it!).
  • New cover: Floral design by Kristen Fagan.
  • New size: The guidebook is now 7.5 x 9.25 instead of 8.5 x 11.
  • Edited introduction: The content above is from the new intro
  • Additional page of essential oil rituals: Also added to the bonus section for those who own the first edition!
  • Removed the words smudge and sage from the Clearing Your Space with Smoke and Sound lesson: I suggest rosemary, garden sage (different from white sage), and lavender.
  • Updated Bibliography and Recommended Reading: Which is available to see below.
  • New price: It is now $22.99.

Thank you so much for your support! This journey has actually helped me create a better version of my book that I am really confident about. I love that the universe brought me to this moment. I look forward to tending to our vibrations together!

Important Changes to my Free Spirit Guidebook!

At the end of last year, a local Indigenous artist reached out to me about mentioning sage in my book and using dreamcatchers on my cover. We ended up having a very informative conversation over Instagram about cultural appropriation and how I can be a better ally.

I wanted to let you know that I did a ton of research and started donating 5% of the profits from the guidebook to the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation. It was never my intention to share any Native American practices in this book so I have decided to change the cover and remove the words sage and smudge. 

When I started updating the book, I also decided to remove a quote from Yogi Bhajan, a Kundalini yoga teacher whose sexual abuse scandal came to light after I originally published the book.

Let me tell you that when you go back to make a few changes in a book, you find a lot more that you want to change. Lol! 

So I have done a revamp of the book, the cover, and even changed the name. This will be revealed soon so stay tuned!

If you have a copy of the book, I want you to know that the intention and energy are the same. I also want you to know that a portion of your sale went directly to the Ojibwe tribe. It means the world to me that you own this.

***If you would like a discount on the copies I have left for yourself or as gifts, here are your options:

Local? You can pick up copies of the book for $10! Just hit reply to schedule a pick-up date and time in the Phoenix area. Click here to purchase. 

Online? You can order copies for $14.00 which includes shipping in the Continental United States. Click here to purchase.

Thank you for being on this journey with me and I look forward to where this new energy will take us!

You can learn more by reading this post I shared this summer called The Problem with Using White Sage. I have updated the book to suggest rosemary, lavender, and garden sage.

Create a Harvest Moon Playlist

With the Harvest Full Moon happening next Monday, September 20th, I thought you might like to create your own playlist of music to help you enjoy this special moon.

If you get a chance to see the Harvest Moon rise it usually looks huge and orange. I’ll be teaching a class at @swiha at the time and am thinking about inviting everyone outside on our dinner break to check out the moon.

Anyway, a few years ago, I made a Lunar Playlist and shared it on my blog. It has all of my favorite moon songs. There is also a link to Spotify playlist.

I just learned that you can make playlists on YouTube too! This has probably been a thing for a while but I guess I didn’t need to know about it until now.

So if you go to my playlist on YouTube, you can save which songs you want and create your own playlist to play on nights when you are intentionally connecting to some lunar energy.

Here is the link to how to create your own playlist on YouTube.

Just want to check out the songs or listen on Spotify? Go here:

If you have songs to add, I would love to know what they are. Hit reply or tag me on social media.

Check out the Living by the Light of the Moon Lesson in my Free Spirit Guidebook for more ways to tune into the phases of the moon. 

Happy Harvest Moon!
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