Last week on social media, I shared that I was looking for a chiropractor or massage therapist to help with a pinched nerve. I want to share a little backstory so you will understand how these tips helped me on our spring break trip to California.

After finishing a 6-week fitness challenge, I woke up with a pinched nerve in my shoulder. The following week, I had a massage scheduled and it made the pain spread down my arm to my fingers.

At The Garland Hotel

I have a low tolerance for pain. I was crabby and annoyed at everyone. We were leaving for an amazing spring break trip and the night before I got sick. I spent most of the trip on Dayquil and Advil trying to alleviate feeling miserable the whole time.

My usual practice of yoga and meditation was thrown out the window so I had to improvise.

I did get 5 minutes to meditate here at the Self-Realization Center

Below are the magical tips I used while being in pain and I hope they help you in the future:

Simon celebrating 16 at Legoland

Tip 1: Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique

While in lines at amusement parks and getting ready in hotels, I would start by tapping on my karate chop point (the pinky side of my hand) and mentally saying 3 times:

“Even though I am in pain, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

Usually, I tap all the other points but most days that is all I had time for or what I was comfortable doing in public. Lol!

I like to exhale after saying each statement and the process allowed me a moment of relaxation and a feeling of release.

I did this at least 20 times on this week-long trip.

You can learn more about how to EFT this in this post and this IG reel.

Isaak was excited to sit on the Friends couch

Tip 2: Forgiveness Exercise

When things go wrong, I tend to go negative at first. I was beating myself up for pushing myself too hard at the end of the challenge. I was upset that I got the massage. I was being really nasty to myself in my head and vocally to my husband. Ugh. I hate when I get like this.

I realized if I wanted to enjoy the trip, I NEEDED to forgive myself. So I used the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono Prayer which goes like this:

  • I forgive you.
  • Thank you.
  • I’m sorry.
  • I love you.

Then I added another layer and said:

  • I forgive you for what happened
  • I’m sorry for the part I played. 
  • Thank you for the lesson.
  • I’m sending you love and release you to enjoy your trip. 

I had to do this a couple of times when I cycled back to being stuck in the past and blaming myself.

This is often used for others who have hurt or wronged you but when I find myself needing to forgive myself for past actions this prayer is so helpful. It can create an immediate shift.

Hanging in Central Perk

Tip 3: Super Relaxation Meditation

The pain in my arm was causing me to be tense all over my body so when I had the opportunity to lay down in the hotel room I enjoyed doing this body scan meditation.

I simply start with bringing my awareness to the crown of my head and moving down to each body part ending with my toes.

It helps me shift from feeling tense and stressed to relaxed. Sometimes I feel super relaxed after and other times I feeling smaller shift but I ALWAYS feel better.

You can try this meditation guided by me here and then you’ll be able to do it on your own anywhere and anytime in the future.

Me trying to enjoy the moment

These 3 tips allowed me to have a magical trip!

Because I do the work of tending to my vibration regularly, magical things happen to me whether I am in pain or feeling good.

One little miracle that happened I share below:

GPS Changing Route

Driving up from San Diego to Hollywood, I decided to take my family to see the nursing home, where my Dad’s best friend lived, in San Pedro. We visited him every summer for about 8 years when I was growing up and used to stay at the Vagabond Inn.

Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home

Once we arrived, I realized I wouldn’t be able to figure out where the hotel was but took them by the nursing home and then to a lovely lunch overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Lunch at Terranea

On our way back to the freeway, our GPS rerouted us onto a side street. I was so confused and then as we were driving down the road, I thought: “OMG! What if this takes me by the Vagabond Inn?!” Sure enough, we got to the end of the street and we were right next to it. That is a small miracle that almost brought me to tears!

The Vagabond Inn!

Special little moments happened on the whole trip.

Simon just finished reading Frankenstein!

Capturing Memories

I knew I wanted to capture memories of being back at places that have brought us so much joy.

I asked the boys to recreate some photos that we had taken at Legoland 10 and 7 years prior. Their positive energy helped me feel so much gratitude for my sweet family.

The 3 tips above are lessons in my online Apprenticeship and Certification program and will also be in my next book which I started working on. If you want more personalized attention, you can also book a private session with me.

I love us!

I hope they help you in the future!