(These were all recommended to me. I have not read and watched them all yet. I have started by getting on email lists, making phone calls, following the people and organizations below on social media, sharing on social media, starting conversations with both my white and black friends.)
What to read:
I need to talk to spiritual white women about white supremacy (Part One)
I need to talk to spiritual white women about white supremacy (Part Two)
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack Peggy McIntosh
For Our White Friends Desiring To Be Allies
Your Kids Aren’t Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup
How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change by Barack Obama
New Era of Public Safety: An Advocacy Toolkit for Fair, Safe, and Effective Community Policing
Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad (This is what I am currently reading – Feel free to read along with me.)
Antagonist, Advocates and Allies: The Wake Up Call Guide for White Women Who Want to Become Allies with Black Women by Catrice M Jackson
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
Between The World And Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US by Lenny Duncan
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
This Will Be My Undoing: Living at the Intersection of Black, Female, and Feminist in (White) America by Morgan Jenkins
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson Ph.D.
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
Young Adult and Children’s Books:
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (YA book)
A Kids Book About Racism by Jelani Memory
Coretta Scott King Book Award Winners
31 Children’s books to support conversations on race, racism and resistance
A Diverse #SummerReading List For Kids
Who to follow:
Layla Saad
Rachel Cargle
The Great Unlearn
Brittany Packnett Cunningham
Sonya Renee Taylor
Desiree Adaway
Rachel Ricketts
Shaun King
Ibram X. Kendi
Dr. Tee Williams
The Conscious Kid
Intersection for Mankind
What to listen to and watch:
Code Switch podcast on NPR
1619 Podcast from the New York Times
13th Documentary on Netflix
Systemic Racism Explained (4 minute animated video)
10 Documentaries To Watch About Race Instead Of Asking A Person Of Colour To Explain Things For You
Shop Black-Owned Businesses Online:
From Granny’s Kitchen
Black-Owned Restaurants Phoenix Metro Area
This is by no means a comprehensive list but it is a good starting place for people looking to become actively anti-racist.
Within each resource are a ton of other resources.
I am just delving into all of these too so don’t feel overwhelmed.
Pick one and start there.
What has been amplified for me recently is how tired black people are from having to stand up for themselves and help white people figure out what to do next. Take the time to educate yourself.

(All illustrations are from https://www.instagram.com/shirien.creates/)
Free Spirit Guidebook Lessons to Help:
Here are a few adapted lessons from my Free Spirit Guidebook to help you cope with the emotions that come up moving forward.
Letter to Your Younger Self: I want you to think of yourself back in grade school when you learned about Civil Rights. Most likely you were outraged and thought that if you had been alive at the time that you would have marched alongside Martin Luther King Jr. Unfortunately, the racism and oppression is still occurring. Look for ways to support the current issues and BIPOC. Make your younger self proud while making a difference in the world.
Working with Your Runners: If you feel overwhelmed by all of this and don’t know where to start, ask your runners for help. Runners are like your energetic guides who help you find things faster. Ask them to find the best path for you to be an anti-racist ally.
Working with your Breath: When you start doing this work, a lot of fear and uncomfortable feelings are going to come up. Allow them to come up. Taking deep breaths will help you move through these feelings. Pause. Close your eyes and consciously breath deeply. Inhaling and exhaling through the nose. Feel the belly and ribcage expand on each inhale and draw it back in on the exhale. If your heart is racing, you might like to exhale out of your mouth.
If you would like to see more added, please comment below or email me at hello@kerryburki.com.
If you are a Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color, I am sorry that I have not helped you carry the burden more.
I am committing to educating myself and becoming anti-racist.