Month: March 2020

Sun Breath, Sun Signs & Sun Salutations

Sun Salutations

Sun Salutations are the perfect simple yoga routine to help you move your body and feel energized.

The full set is not for everyone so I created a video to show the variations you can use to add this to your routine.

You can do this when you wake up in the morning, mid-morning, or help beat an afternoon slump.

You technically don’t even need a yoga mat and I just love that.

If you are new to Sun Salutations, then you will probably follow the video for a while and then you will be able to start doing them on your own.

Solar Breath

You can start or finish Sun Salutations with Solar Breath. You can also do this as a stand-alone morning practice.

  • Sit tall
  • Close your left nostril with the first two fingers of your left hand
  • Inhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril
  • Exhale slowly through your right nostril
  • This is one cycle.
  • Repeat 8 to 10 times or for 1 to 3 minutes.
  • Allow your eyes to close.
  • Pause after and take some deep breaths through both nostrils.
  • Notice how you feel.

The right nostril is connected to the Sun and your Pingala Nadi. Your solar (pingala) nadi (channel) is in your subtle energy body.

This breath is warming and energizing. This is also a breath featured in my book, Tend To Your Vibration.

Sun Signs

You might like to dedicate your practice and/or your breath to embody the energy of the current Sun Sign.

Simply figure out which sun sign we are in at the moment by the dates listed below. Then read the description and see where you can benefit from that energy in your life.

Set your intention to embody that energy at the beginning of your Sun Salutation practice and bring your mind back to it at the end.

Then find ways to infuse that energy into your day during this cycle.

Aries – March 21 – April 19 – Fire sign – Keywords: passion, spontaneity, independent, impatience, energetic, generous, foolish.

Taurus – April 20 – May 20 – Earth sign – Keywords: stability, earthly pleasures, stubbornness, routine, deliberate, sensuality, persistence, contented.

Gemini – May 21 – June 20 – Air sign – Keywords: duality, communication, intellectual, versatile, resourceful, curiosity, distracted, charming

Cancer – June 21 – July 22 – Water sign – Keywords: nurturing, sentimental, moodiness, family, home, creativity, emotions, sensitive.

Leo – July 23 – August 22 – Fire sign – Keywords: expressive, loyalty, excited, courage, drama, generosity, arrogance, playfulness.

Virgo – August 23 – September 22 – Earth sign – Keywords: grounded, order, helpfulness, perfectionism, cleanliness, helper, selfless, analytical.

Libra – September 23 – October 22 – Air sign – Keywords: balance, harmony, partnership, commitment, fairness, inconsistent, relationships, cooperation.

Scorpio – October 23 – November 21 – Water sign – Keywords: intensity, magnetic, mysterious, loyal, sexiness, possessive, power, brave.

Sagittarius – November 22 – December 21 – Fire sign – Keywords: adventure, bluntness, playful, inspiration, honesty, fearless, risk, curiosity.

Capricorn – December 22 – January 19 – Earth sign – Keywords: practical, ambitious, career, structure, goals, cynical, productive, boundaries.

Aquarius – January 20 – February 18 – Air sign – Keywords: originality, hopeful, social justice, friendliness, innovative, detached, open-minded, freedom.

Pisces – February 19 – March 20 – Water sign – Keywords: idealistic, artistic, dreamer, imaginative, self-delusion, compassion, healer, family.

I hope you love this! Please share your Sun sign below! I’m an Aries!

6 Tips to Help Ease Anxiety, Stress, and Fear.

Have you been feeling stressed, anxious, or worried lately because of all of the news around the Coronavirus? I have been and want to share what has helped me.

Earlier this week, I started on a downward spiral after reading about how we should stock up on life-saving medication like insulin for my 12-year-old son who has Type 1 Diabetes.

I was feeling overwhelmed and out of control. After reading tons of articles, I checked in and noticed that my heart was racing and I felt scared.

I know you might have had a similar experience.

I paused and reminded myself that while I might not have to tools to stop the spread of this virus, I do have the tools to help me cope with the anxiety I am experiencing because of it.

I want to share with you what has worked for me this week and encourage you to try at least one if not all of them!

Tips for Coping with Anxiety, Stress, and Fear:

  1. Essential Oils: Put a Put some drops of your favorite relaxing oil like lavender on a washcloth and then place that over your face and breathe deeply. Be careful that the oil doesn’t bother your eyes. You might like to add it to just the bottom of the cloth. I did this for the first time this week and can’t believe I haven’t done it sooner. It helped calm me so much!
  2. Breathing Exercises: You might like to do “Box Breath” with the cloth over your face. This is when you inhale for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 4, and hold for a count of 4. You can imagine that each 4 count is the side of a box. Do 10 rounds or set a timer for 1 to 5 minutes. I have a bunch of breathing exercises on my blog and in my book that will help too.
  3. Guided Relaxation: This is a new video on my blog and I did this guided relaxation the other night when I was feeling particularly anxious and it shifted everything. I guide you through relaxing each part of your body. This has a profound effect on your body, mind, and nervous system. You might also like to have the essential oil washcloth over your face when doing this.
  4. Change your thoughts: The other night I realized that I was feeling scared and not prepared. After doing the guided relaxation, I shifted my thoughts and said, “I stay positive and draw in everything I need.” I even made it my phone screensaver. Feel free to use it or create your own! Just click on the image above to download.
  5. Declutter or Clean: When things are going on in the world that are out of your control, it can calm your anxieties to focus on something you can control like clutter or messes in your home. It is nice to create these moments of peace.
  6. Send love out into the world: This guided meditation is perfect for when you feel like the world needs a bit more love and you wish you could help more.

Here are a few more ideas from my blog:
A Chant for Global Well Being
– Super Simple Meditation
– Spiritual Tips for When a Family Member is in the Hospital
Practice some gentle yoga 
Boost your immune system with energizing yoga

Most of the lessons in my Free Spirit Guidebook can help with stress and anxiety too.

The important thing is to catch yourself, then take care of yourself and do both consistently.

Also, be mindful of how much news you are consuming. It is good to be informed but try to balance that with taking care of yourself.

I adore you and hope you find these tips helpful. XO!

Guided Relaxation Meditation for Stress Relief

This guided relaxation is perfect after a long day or whenever you are feeling stressed. I gently guide you to relax each part of your body. This has a profound calming effect on your body, mind, and nervous system.

I have been doing this type of relaxation for over 20 years and it works every time. I hope you enjoy it!

xo, Kerry

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