Month: June 2019

Pick Your Summer Animal Guide

Happy Summer Solstice! I thought you might like to pick an animal guide to be by your side for the rest of the summer.

The cards are from my printable oracle card deck that will be a part of the upcoming release of my new Guidebook. Woohoo!

  • Look at the image below. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
  • Open your eyes. Choose the card you feel drawn to the most. 
  • Scroll down for the cards and messages. 
  • OR you can read the messages below and pick an animal that you think will be the best fit for your summer.

Have fun with this! Notice when you see your animal represented during the summer season. You might see it on pillows, in commercials, or even live!

Use the hashtag #summeranimalguide to join in the fun!

Working with Animal Guides is a fun way to feel supported!

See below for your guide!


How to Create a Summer Vision Board

What kind of summer do you want?

How do you want to feel at the end of summer?

These are the questions I want you to ask yourself before diving into this project.

A vision board is a collage showing things you would like to attract to your life or shows the vibe of the life you desire.

Your vision board will focus on something specific, summer. To make a vision board, cut pictures and phrases out of magazines, print images from websites, and/or include your own photos in the collage.

Next, glue the images and words onto a piece of poster board and place it somewhere you can see it on a regular basis or in a journal if you are traveling this summer. It can be tucked inside or you can make it the cover like I did.

For more tips, watch my video below!

Spend time in front of your board every day – then spend at least 5 minutes every day visualizing how you would feel if everything on the board was your current reality.

Then act like the person you would if this was your reality right now.

When making decisions this summer, use your board as your guide.

Will this help me achieve my goal/s? 

I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Feel free to share your summer goals below in the comments.

Are you inspired you to create your own vision board? Show me on social media and tag @kerry_burki.

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