Month: April 2019

Which Element Do You Want To Embody? Earth, Air, Fire, or Water?

Who do you want to be?

What characteristics do you want to embody?

How do you want to feel?

What do you want your life to look like?

What do you want to share with the world?

I chose the main female cards from the Medicine Woman Tarot deck to help you get more intentional about the person you want to be.

The person you are.

Scroll down to pick your card and then share which one you were drawn to in the comments!

Pick Your Medicine Woman Card

You have two ways of choosing:

1. You can close your eyes, breathe deeply, and ask “What energy do I want to embody right now?” and then choose the card above you are most drawn to.

2. You can read the descriptions below, look at the photos (more closeup photos are further down), and choose the one you feel most like embodying right now.

There is no right or wrong and we all embody all of these energies on some level. It is just usually one stands out as more “you” than others.

You might also be drawn to one that is kind of the opposite of you because that is what you need right now.

Have fun and enjoy!

Messages revealed!

1. Exemplar of Stones – This earth mama follows the cycles of nature. She teaches others how to find abundance through natures principles. She is grounded, content and financially stable. 
2. Exemplar of the Pipes – This air energy woman has a special connection to winged creatures and music. She creates her life through imagination and artistic expression and encourages others to do the same. She is always connected to her breath.
3. Exemplar of the Arrows – Fire rules this strong woman who knows how to use her words to empower others. She has a warrior spirit and helps conquer their fears. She is a passionate woman who takes aim towards the greater good for all.
4. Exemplar of Bowls – This is a woman who always sees her bowl as full and is always sharing with others. She allows emotions to flow through her and not keep her stuck. Her connection to water keeps in in the flow of life.

Elemental Rituals

Below are rituals you can do for each card. You can also combine them all to connect with all of the elements.

Connect with & Embody Earth Energy

Find a place to connect to the earth under the moon tonight.

If you can sit on the ground and feel the earth, that would be ideal. If not, use some symbols of earth energy around you such as fruits or vegetables, a houseplant, flower, etc.

If you have one, hold a stone that is red, brown, black or green (any stone is actually fine since they are from the earth).

Or imagine that one of those stones is at the center of the earth and you are connected to it through your energetic roots.

Get comfortable and begin to take some deep breaths.

Say silently or aloud:

I am an Exemplar of Stones. I am connected to the North, Winter, and Night. The earth supports me and I am grateful.

I follow the cycles of nature and teach others how to find abundance through natures principles. I am grounded, content and financially stable. 

Notice how saying this makes you feel. Repeat daily if you like.

Seek out ways to continue to connect with earth energy.

***If all of these things were true about you, how would you behave? Start living like that and watch your beautiful life unfold.

Connect with & Embody Air Energy

Find a place where you might feel a breeze under the moon tonight.

Play some music. If you are an artist of any kind, create under the moon.

If you have one, hold a stone that is blue or possibly fluorite, turquoise, angel aura, or citrine.

Or imagine a feather moving around your body and clearing out old and stagnant energy.

Get comfortable and begin to take some deep breaths.

Say silently or aloud:

I am an Exemplar of the Pipes. I am connected to the East, Spring, the Dawn. The air fills me up and I am grateful.

I have a special connection to winged creatures and music. I create my life through imagination and artistic expression and encourages others to do the same. I am always connected to my breath.

Notice how saying this makes you feel. Repeat daily if you like.

Seek out ways to continue to connect with air energy.

***If all of these things were true about you, how would you behave? Start living like that and watch your beautiful life unfold.

Connect with & Embody Fire Energy

Find a place where you will feel warm under the moon tonight. Possibly wrap a warm blanket around you or a make a fire if it can be safely done and you can put it out completely when you are done.

Take this time to write. Maybe answer the questions from the beginning of this post. Don’t hold back.

If you have one, hold a stone that is red, gold, or orange. If not, imagine a flame in your low belly that warms you from the inside out.

Get comfortable and begin to take some deep breaths.

Say silently or aloud:

I am an Exemplar of the Arrows. I am connected to the South, Summer, the Midday. Fire fuels my passions and I am grateful.

I am a strong woman who knows how to use my words to empower others. I have a warrior spirit and help others conquer their fears. I am a passionate woman who takes aim towards the greater good for all.

Notice how saying this makes you feel. Repeat daily if you like.

Seek out ways to continue to connect with fire energy.

***If all of these things were true about you, how would you behave? Start living like that and watch your beautiful life unfold.

Connect with & Embody Water Energy

Find a place near water under the moon tonight. Or bring a small bowl of water or water to drink.

Take this time to write. Maybe answer the questions from the beginning of this post. Don’t hold back.

If you have one, hold a stone that is red, gold, or orange. If not, imagine a flame in your low belly that warms you from the inside out.

Get comfortable and begin to take some deep breaths.

Say silently or aloud:

I am an Exemplar of the Arrows. I am connected to the West, Autumn, Sunset. Water keeps my bowl filled and I am grateful.

I am a woman who always sees her bowl as full and is always sharing with others. I allow emotions to flow through me and not keep me stuck. My connection to water keeps me in the flow of life.

Notice how saying this makes you feel. Repeat daily if you like.

Seek out ways to continue to connect with water energy.

***If all of these things were true about you, how would you behave? Start living like that and watch your beautiful life unfold.

Manifesting Love in Paris

This week in 2003, I was in Paris with my older brother. When we were at the top of the Eiffel Tower I remember feeling like everyone was in love. 

I was dating someone casually at the time and I remember thinking at that moment that when I got back to Chicago that I would break it off. 

I stood up there and looked out over Paris and declared in my head that the next time I was in Paris, I would be in love. Madly in love. 

When I got back from that trip, I ended things with that boyfriend and then some friends set me up with Matt Burki. We had known each other for about two years as friends but the timing was perfect because we became inseparable.

That following December, he asked if I wanted to go to Paris for New Years. Of course, I said YES!

We went to the top of the Eiffel Tower and kissed. I was madly in love! It was freezing so I remember we weren’t up there long but the whole trip was magical.

I was kind of blown away by how the whole thing happened. When I first I had that thought at the top of the Eiffel Tower I didn’t really have a time frame. So to be back in less than a year was amazing!

I had not known about the concept of manifesting at this time. When I first learned about shifting your energy and asking the universe for what you want, I immediately remembered this story.

I try to live my whole life this way. At times I have forgotten and life becomes tough. Then I remember to remove things keeping me at a lower vibration, figure out what I want or how I want to feel and co-create with the universe (God/Spirit/Angels/Guides) to make it happen.

Your thoughts and emotions are powerful! You are worthy of your desires! Now go put them out into the universe and open yourself up to some magic!

The first 3 photos below are from my April trip with my older brother and the last ones are my December trip with Matt.

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