Month: January 2018

The Secret to Less Fatigue & a Calm Mind

Ahh…doesn’t less fatigue and a calm mind sound like heaven?

You probably already have some tips and tricks that you like to use and I am adding one more to your toolbox. Or possibly just a longer version.

Drumroll, please….


“The stresses of modern civilization are a strain on the nerves for which Savasana is the best antidote.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

For those of you that are not yogis, this is the relaxation practice traditionally done a the end of a yoga class.

It is also great to do at the end of the day, after a run or gym class, or simply when you are feeling stressed.

I created a Savasana video so you can experience the full 9 to 10 minutes of relaxation anytime.

The first one is a bit of an introduction about what I am writing here and the second one is the full relaxation. So go get your blankets!

Remember, it is harder to calm the mind than it is to relax the body so this is considered one of the most challenging poses in yoga.

The reason it is worth doing is that “this conscious relaxation invigorates and refreshes both the body and the mind.”

I have been teaching yoga for about 14 years and have seen the length of time spent in savasana decline over the years.

In the famous yoga text by B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on Yoga, it is suggested to do 10 to 15 minutes after asana (physical poses) and 5 to 10 minutes after pranayama (breathing exercises).

Intrigued? Go relax your way into the weekend!

Kerry Burki – an Introduction

I feel like it is time for a proper introduction. My name is Kerry Burki. I live in Scottsdale, AZ. I have my degree in Religious Studies & have been practicing yoga, studying the metaphysical arts & spirituality since the late 90’s.

I lived in Chicago for many years where I became a yoga teacher & worked for creative arts companies while getting married (Matt, my soulmate!), having kids (2 sweet boys 6 & 9!), & making a home.

Life was good.

It wasn’t until I moved back to Arizona 5 years ago that things changed. I couldn’t find full-time work as a yoga teacher & I had a close family member in & out of hospitals.

I stopped doing everything I learned. At the end of the day, I just wanted to watch tv & zone out.

I felt lost. 

I started changing how I talked to myself. I realized I was saying a lot of mean & untrue things to myself all day long. I started working with affirmations & things went from there.

I started just doing a couple of yoga poses & focusing more on breathing, meditation, affirmations, visualizing, & following the phases of the moon. 

By infusing small bits into my day my life started to flow in ways it never had before.

Life became more magical.

I became a Life Coach, launched a magazine, & started Full Moon Yoga classes. In 2017, I did something that made me happy every day for the 40 days before my 40th birthday. I learned to skateboard. I started teaching Full Moon paddleboard classes.

That led me to complete 2 programs as a Metaphysical Adept & a Divine Resonance Practitioner. During my training, I created The Moon & Arrow Lodge which is now all under my name, Kerry Burki.

I want this website to be a nurturing & teaching space. A space to teach the tools that have worked for me.

More importantly, I want you to learn to love yourself and to go after the things in life that make your heart swell like I did.

I’ll be sharing more & I look forward to getting to know you more too.


(Photo cred: Kristina Chartier Photography)

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