Month: December 2017

How to gift yourself grace & receive guidance


It became obvious last week that I had taken on too much this holiday season. I felt overwhelmed and behind.

Can you relate?

Yes? Then you are not alone.

I thought my overwhelm was because I said yes to far too many things and tried to overdeliver on all of them. What I realized is that it was because I had said no to taking care of myself.

I was waking up late and not making time for my usual breathwork, meditation, prayer, and visualization throughout the day. I found myself rushing and then collapsing at the end of the day.

Sound familiar?

Don’t worry!

There is still time to give yourself the gift of grace and receive guidance this holiday season. 

I talked about doing this in our New Moon Circle in my  Facebook Group on Monday.

Here are a few tips for giving yourself and others grace:

Feeling all worked up and overwhelmed?

  • Take a moment and breathe. Inhale through your nose and exhale out of your mouth. Do this at least 3 times. Every time you relax a bit, your life will flow more effortless and ease.

(My older son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes over the summer and honestly, it feels like we have been going a mile a minute ever since with learning and insulin injections. Pausing to breathe consciously has been a helpful way for me to cope and thrive. That is why you see BREATHE posts through my Instagram feed.)

Finding that the behavior of others is putting you in a bad mood?

  • Remember that everyone is doing the best they can with the knowledge they have. That doesn’t mean their behavior is not annoying or possibly hurtful but try to remember that it is a reflection on them and their life experience and has nothing to do with you. (This might take time but can certainly help during this time of year!!!

Now let’s talk a bit about receiving over the holidays. I want you to remember that you are being guided. Life can be magical when you open up to receiving this guidance.

Here are a few tips for receiving guidance:

Looking for a parking spot or the perfect gift?

  • Ask your “runners” to go find it for you and then trust that they will. (Runners are guides that love to help you find things. You can view them as people, angels, guides, or simply energy.)

Worrying about things going wrong or not being perfect?

  • Ask God/Universe/Spirit to take your worries away. Literally, ask that in your head or out loud. Then ask what you should do next. You might hear the words “relax” or you might get an actual sign about what to do.

I have done all of these to help me get back to taking care of myself and enjoying this season to the fullest. They work!

Remember that you are a light in this world. Take care of yourself.

Happy Holidays!

Thriving During the Holidays with the Sun & Moon!

Pausing to do breathing exercises has truly changed my life for the better. I am excited to share two different techniques that will help you thrive during the holiday season and beyond. Your breath is amazing!

Are you feeling anxious, angry, frustrated, or something similar?

Try Left Nostril Breathing.

  • Sit tall
  • Close your right nostril with the first two fingers of your right hand
  • Inhale slowly and deeply through the left nostril
  • Exhale slowly through your left nostril
  • This is one cycle.
  • Repeat 8 to 10 times or for 1 to 3 minutes.
  • Allow your eyes to close.
  • Pause after and take some deep breaths through both nostrils.
  • Notice how you feel.

The left nostril is connected to the Moon and your Ida Nadi. Your lunar (ida) nadi (channel) is in your subtle energy body. It controls all mental processes and the more feminine aspects of your personality. It is cooling and cleansing.

Benefits include:

  • reduces stress
  • cools the body
  • helps lower blood pressure
  • calms the mind and nervous system

Tips: Not recommended for people with low blood pressure. If you have any medical conditions, please consult with your doctor first.

Feeling tired, unmotivated, depressed, sluggish, or something similar?

Try Right Nostril Breathing.

  • Sit tall
  • Close your left nostril with the first two fingers of your left hand
  • Inhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril
  • Exhale slowly through your right nostril
  • This is one cycle.
  • Repeat 8 to 10 times or for 1 to 3 minutes.
  • Allow your eyes to close.
  • Pause after and take some deep breaths through both nostrils.
  • Notice how you feel.

The right nostril is connected to the Sun and your Pingala Nadi. Your solar (pingala) nadi (channel) is in your subtle energy body. It increases vitality and controls the more masculine aspects of your personality. It is warming and nurturing.

Benefits include:

  • helps alleviate sluggishness and depression
  • increases physical energy
  • warms the body
  • increased digestive fire
  • effective for stress management

Tips: Best done on an empty stomach. Not recommended for people with high blood pressure. If you have any medical conditions, please consult with your doctor first.

Feel free to let me know how these breaths work for you. If you want to learn more breathing techniques, check out my Free Spirit Guidebook!

Happy Holidays!

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